Author Archives for Stuart Russell

A screenshot of the Limecraft platform showing how it uses AI for facial recognition in a media asset management system.

Limecraft Highlights Media Intelligence and Real-Time Collaboration for NAB Show 2024

March 20, 2024 9:16 am Published by Leave your thoughts Too often, industry observers talk about AI in a negative manner and the discussion often revolves around AI replacing humans, potentially leading to de-skilling. Rather than commenting on Artificial Intelligence, we should be talking about Media Intelligence – using the technology in an appropriate way so it takes on repetitive and labour-intensive tasks and frees us to concentrate on creative story telling.
An image of someone operating an audio mixing desk, mixing multiple channels of audio.

Working with Multi-channel Audio: The Challenges and Benefits

February 15, 2024 8:31 am Published by Leave your thoughts For many in media production, working with multi-channel audio is a daily fact of life. There are several challenges that come along with the format and it can be complex to manage – sometimes even more complicated than video. In this blog post, we examine and explain the format, discuss the challenges that come along with it, and look at solutions to help content producers work with it successfully and more efficiently.